BOOM ! tänävuonna pärähtää! Kalenteriin vapaat ja pelaamaan ! Pelin paikkana toimii Säres Center, Sääksmäellä. Liput kannattaa hommata ennakkoon kaupastamme:
Peli pelataan skenaario pohjaisena dominaationa pikku twistillä.
Lisäinfot tulee sivuillemme ja facebookin puolelle hieman myöhemmin.
This year is THE year we can finally play this game out! Make sure your calendar is free and you can join the game ! Place for this game is Säres Center at sääksmäki, Finland. Pre-order your tickets at our shop:
Game is Scenario based domination with a twist.
Tässä hieman lisää pelin proppeja! Osta lippusi 5.5 mennessä ja olet mukana arvonnassa jossa voit voittaa magfed-aiheisen palkinnon!
Here is some more props for the event! Buy your ticket before 5th of may, and you will be participating in raffle where you can win magfed-realted prize!
-Ruokaliput saatavilla torstaihin 5.5 saakka.
-Myöskin 5.5 mennessä ostetut tapahtumaliput osallistuvat arvontaan
-Ennakkolipunmyynti loppuu Perjantaina 20.5. Liput portilta 38€
– Food tickets available till Thursday 5.5.
-Also game tickets bought before 5.5 take part in raffle!
– Pre sale event tickets available till Friday 20.5. Tickets from gate at gameday is 38€
Somekind of drone prop for game!
Also important information about the game itself: We are allowed to use pyrotechnical bb/paint/smoke grenades at field, IF there is no forest fire warning at gameday. At gamesite will be little amount of grenades for sale. So we recommend you to bring your own grenades if you are willing to use it.
And when we are using grenades that make loud sound, we highly recommend you to use hearing protection during game. Organizers will provide simple earplugs for everyone.
Jonkinlainen drone valmistui propiksi peliä varten
Sitten tärkeää tietoa peliin liittyen: Pelissä saa käyttää pyroteknisiä savu/kuula/värikranaatteja JOS pelipäivänä ei ole metsäpalovaroitusta. Paikanpäällä tulee myyntiin pieni määrä kranaatteja, mutta suosittelemme tuomaan omat kranaatit mukanaan mikäli niitä haluaa käyttää.
Ja kun käytämme kranaatteja joista lähtee kova ääni, suosittelemme vahvasti kuulonsuojaimien käyttöä pelissä. Järjestäjä tarjoaa korvatulpat kaikille peliin osallistuville.
Time for backstory for the scenario game!
”Back in the 2019 Finnish task force stole Swedish gold from Rosersberg. Everything went according to the plan until Finnish forces alongside with mercenaries arrived back to Finland. Mercenaries betrayed Finn’s, took gold and have stayed under radar for 3 years.
Early this year, Finnish intelligence found out that mercenaries are hiding at Säres special economic zone (SSEZ). Area inside Finland, but completely off Finnish society and laws to provide its users unlimited facilities for business.
Finnish dual agent leaked information to Swedish intelligence service. Tensions is rising between Finland and Sweden. Finland is not going to allow foreign troops to act on their land and in the other hand don’t even confess that they have stolen gold. But according Swedish side; due to its nature of SSEZ, they are not acting on Finnish territory.
During the negotiations came to light that Swedish side is still serving coffee from 1dl paper cups. According to Finnish committee, this is all provocation and Swedish side have no real intention to negotiate.
Finnish and Swedish task forces are on the move again. Both are grouping their forces around SSEZ. Mercenaries are surrounded and hiding stolen gold at SSEZ power plant.
In the morning of 28.5.2022 Something went horribly wrong and devastating explosion is shaking the ground. Gold bars spread all over the area. Both sides starts their attack to SSEZ to ensure gold, eliminate mercenaries and defeat enemy forces…”
Also remember to buy your tickets with discounted price before 23.5.2022! After this tickets available only from gate for 38€!
Allrighty then! Here is map for our battlefield! We are going to give a4 size paper version of this map for every player.
And timetable for a gameday. Note that this is going to be aprox and assumed, depending what time our quest’s from Sweden are arriving. Please be patient if we have some delay.
~10:30 Briefing
~11:00 Warm-up game
~12:00 Lunch
~13:00 Scenario game
~15:30 More mayhem (If players want and have energy)
We recommend you to arrive to säres center around 10 o’clock or earlier if you have lots of chronoing and adjusting to do! Organizers are going to spend night at säres center, so gate is open from Friday evening!
Okay, here is rules for our game. It have few changes from normal weekend game rules. Read carefully!
in case of emergency, like serious injury, forest fire etc: Call 112
Adress for säres center is Huittulantie 327, Sääksmäki, Suomi
Organizers have first aid kits for smaller accidents.
Starting, pausing and ending a game
The game is started either on the radio or by shouting “READY” and the other team answers “Ready” followed by the “GAME ON” command
”STOP GAME!” shouted when you detect outsider people or animals in the game area, someone is injured or other danger to players or outsiders occurs.
All players repeat the “Game Stop!” Shout and stay where they are waiting for game to continue. If the game is interrupted during the run, the player is allowed to move to the “previous place”
When the game is paused, call organizers to place where accident or outsiders occours and we will find out.
With a “GAME ON” cry or a radio message, the game starts again. Everyone repeats the cry and starts playing.
”Game over!” shouted when game time runs out. Everyone repeats it on radio and by shouting
One hit on a player or any player’s equipment eliminates the player. Hits will be counted, paintball dont have to break.
Eliminated player shouts “hit!” and moves to the respawn hand at the top of his head or have ”dead rag” visible
Hit to marker “breaks” the marker. A player may continue the game if he has sidearm or otherwise help his own team without marker. ”Broken” marker is repaired when respawning.
Stabbing: touching another player with hand, a knife made of rubber or other soft material, not hitting violent ways
The “stabbed” player does not shout a hit, but raises his hand and moves to respawn
3rd party players (Mercenaries) will injure from hit. They need to be ”stabbed” to take them out. Other 3rd party player can also revieve injured.
Eliminated player can respawn from base OR conquest point closest their own base (Points A and C) IF it is under control of players own team. To make it clear: Team staring from north-west side of map can respawn from point A. If they have it under their control and team starting from south-east of map can respawn from point C if it is under their control.
Using pyrotechnic grenades is allowed, IF there is no Forest fire warning.
Organizers will have earblugs for everyone. Everyone under 18 years old must wear hearing protection. Adult’s with your own risk. We recommend you to bring your own active hearing protection.
CO2-powered , 6mm bb and sound grenades are generally permitted.
If you bring grenades to the game; report them and their type to the organizers
When throwing a grenade, the thrower must shout “GRENADE!” BEFORE throwing, with the grenade at hands/ pin removed. This allows the opponent to protect their hearing.
Hit from a clay pellet or paint splash from the grenade will eliminate the player. Grenades have 3 meters of elimination radius in open space. Gentleman rules.
Grenades is allowed to use only in town area, but not inside ”fire station” building.
3rd. party, against everyone: yellow/red
High visibilty vest: Photographers or organizers. DONT SHOOT THEM!
Organizers will have colored duct tape for them who dont own armband
Note: These objetives belong to ”scenario game” dont move any of these items during first warm-up game. If you see these items during warm-up game, you should forget where you saw it.
Works like chess clock. Box that have two buttons, and screen and it need to be set to count time for your team. Dont shoot these boxes on purpose.
Collectibles: Gold bars, Drone hard drive disk, treasure’s. Players need to bring collectibles to their base to receive points. Players have ”safe pouch” where collectibles CANNO’T be looted if player gets eliminated. Dont drop any collectibles to field, you can bring it with you to your base if you get eliminated when carrying it.
Ammo cache: Each team have ammo cache near their base. Ammo cache is pile of metal and wooden ammo creates and is marked with flashing red light. metallic ammo box contains grenade. Team objective is to protect their own ammo cache and destroy enemy cache. Cache is destroyed when grenade is detonated inside metallic ammo box (safety reasons, to prevent forest fire)
Drone is grey, 1 meter long drone looking prop. It has ”hard drive disk” attached on its body, which is plastic bottle with printed image inside it. This image contains useful information for team that can secure it.
-To eliminate PMC you need to ”stab” them and take ”dog tag” (candy bag)
More Information about the game will be published at our site and here in facebook bit later on.